Monday, March 14, 2011

Japanese helping eachothers

at the moment I don't have to much to say. Very difficoult to explain what I feel.
But here copy of CNN news:

after reading this article I felt to give more respect to the Japanese comunity.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nori & Sushi

Love, love and again I love to eat Sushi and sashimi.
The first time I went in Japan, and loving sashimi, it was a nice surprise to see how many variety of sushi we can find in a restaurant.
Think about it, one fish can be prepared in so many different ways.
With sushi, off course, you will need Nori. Great invention.  
Have you ever wonder how to recognize the country of origin for NORI ??
Here, just a little information and use of nori that can help you:
Now we can start our sushi rice:

last think to say is : hitadakimasu and enjoy.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Daikon seeds and Nimono recipe

Today was a perfect day to go out and start Flowers and seed window shopping...
Actually for seeds was shopping, for the flowers I will do it by the end of March.
Look like I wasn't alone. Many guys were also doing gardening shopping. Figure :))
First stop, Loews and then Home Depot.
Off course I start to get Herbs seeds for my cooking, and my joy was finding daikon seeds.

I will try to grow daikon, this is my spring challenge, the only problem is finding a tall vase. No problem at all, so many tall everyone growing Daikon???? Well,
before I do write any suggestion and please leave a comment.
But before you do, there is a simple recipe and I challenge all of you to cook it.
Let's see how many will prepare it, we can exchange information during our getting together lunch.

Chicken and daikon Nimono

Yield: 2 servings
Time: 40 minutes
  • 1/4 daikon (about 1 lb, cut into 2″ thick half circles)
  • 1/3 lb boneless thigh chicken
  • 1/3 cup diced carrots
  • 1/2 konnyaku (1/4 lb)
  • 1/4 cup green onion (chopped)
  • 3 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp sake
  • 2 tbsp mirin
  • 1 tsp hon-dashi (soup stock powder)
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  1. Mix all spices in a bowl (soy sauce, sake, mirin, hondashi and sugar).
  2. Boil konnyaku for 3 minutes, strain, and set aside.
  3. Add 3 cups of water and daikon in a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove daikon, set aside, then add chicken and boil for 5 minutes. Skim the top
  5. Add mixed spices, stir then add daikon, konnyaku, and carrot, cover with lid, and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat.
  6. Add green onions and serve.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


    On March 3rd, the Japanese people celebrate Hinamatsuri, the doll festival. Because March is also the time that the peach blossoms are in bloom, this festival is also called Momo no sekku, peach festival. This day is known as Girl's Day. The origin of the festival is said to be an ancient Chinese festival where people would take a straw doll and float it down the river. This was said to wash away all the illnesses and bad luck that a person might have for the year. During the Edo period (1603-1867), the festival was established and popularized as a girls' festival, Hinamatsuri.
    On Hinamatsuri, families share a meal of Hishi-mochi, Shirosake (sweet white sake), and a dish including clams. Clams are associated with chastity. A traditional way to serve the clams is a clam soup with spring herbs, which also recognizes the arrival of spring. Other treats include konpeitou, small sugar stars. Konpeitou is usually sold in bags, but is also sold with small reproductions of the royal couple Hina-Ningyo.     One of the most interesting aspects of this festival is the ceremonial dolls (Hina-Ningyo). A full Hina-Ningyo set consists of a prince and princess (or emperor and empress), three court ladies, five musicians, two ministers, and three servants. The set is usually displayed in a tiered fashion, with the prince and princess on top, the court ladies next, and so on. Also displayed with the dolls are peach blossoms, Hishi-mochi (diamond shaped rice cakes that are colored pink, white, and green.), Hina-arare (colorful popped rice), and various miniature pieces of furniture. The dolls are dressed in costumes from the Heien period (794-1192). The princess, for example, wears Juni-Hitoe, a very intricate kimono with 12 layers of fabric. This style of kimono is now only used in royal wedding ceremonies.
    Hina-Ningyo are taken out only once a year for this day before being stored away for another year. They say that if the dolls are not stored soon after the festival, the girl will be doomed to marry late. A girl's parents or grandparents will give her a set of Hina-Ningyo before her first Hinamatsuri (Hatsu Zekku). Because of the high price of a full set (some sets costing over one million yen) and the small living space in many Japanese apartments, some people buy a set that includes only the royal couple. The girls' parents will usually add one or two dolls to the collection each year until the set is completed. Some girls are given an heirloom set that belonged to their mother or grandmother. The dolls are very special and the girl will pass her dolls on to one of her own daughters one day.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Vacation anyone???

Looking outside, snow & ice covering all my plants and flowers....
and thinking
I rader be on vacation, with a lot of sun good food and a lot to see.
The first Country I think about is Italy (of course) and then Europe.
It is like going back in time, unplug myself from everything.
Enjoy an " aperitivo " and looking at the Colosseo or the sunset.
and after that decide were to go the next day.
My vacation plan are always with:
no schedule, I decide were to go as I please, usually I reach the first main big city and in this case can be Milan or Rome.
After living the airport I go straight to the train station and then the adventure start.
One time I took the local train from Rome to Termoli. Usually is a 3 hours ride, but that time it was 6 hours.
I was tired from the flight, but as soon I was on the local train I started to be like a kid in a candy store.
So many think to see and I always get a window seat.

this picture was taken from the train.

But if you are planning a vacation in Italy now or in the future you can always check the list:
A Thousand Days in Venice – Marlena de Blasi
A Venetian Affair - Andrea Di Robilant
In the Company of the Courtesan – Sarah Dunant
Venetian Stories – Jane Turner Rylands
The City of Falling Angels - John Berendt (non fiction)
The World of Venice – Jan Morris (non fiction)
A Thread of Grace – Maria Russell (WWII Resistance)
A Bell for Adano – John Hersey (WWII Sicily)
The Agony & the Ecstasy – Irving Stone (Michelangelo & Sistine Chapel,
based on fact)
The Birth of Venus – Sarah Dunant
A Valley in Italy – Lisa St. Aubin de Teran - Tuscany
Italian Neighbors – Tim Parks (Northern Italy)
The Name of the Rose – Umberto Eco
A Farewell to Arms – Ernest Hemingway
Italy for Dummies – Bruce Murphy and Alessandra de Rosa
Italy, A Short History – Harry Hearder
Italian Days – Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
La Bella Figura – Beppe Severgnini
Culture Shock! Italy – Alessandro Falassi
That Fine Italian Hand – Paul Hoffman
Dances with Luigi - Paul Paolicelli (Southern Italy)
Under the Tuscan Sun – Frances Mayes
When in Rome – Robert Hutchinson
MOVIES:Summertime (Katherine Hepburn) – Venice
Life is Beautiful
Ciao Professore!
Enchanted April
Cinema Paradiso
Il Postino
Roman Holiday
A Farewell to Arms
Big Night (Italian Americans)
Night of the Falling Stars
The Agony & the Ecstacy
Dangerous Beauty (Venice)
Visions of Italy (PBS 2-disc)
- Arial photography, northern
& southern Italy & Sicily

Until then,
let me go, I have a movie to watch.
Under the Tuscan Sun always make me happy.

Ciao e arrivederci.



Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Restaurant Review link


Let's learn how to make origami rabbits.
For this rabbit, you are on your own.  Good luck!  Bring it to show us all for next time.

Here's where to start making origami rabbits.  Practice for next time, OK?

Nemuko & Tea

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Isn't amazing what a little paper and fantasy can create??

If you are more interested in origami art we have the latest information from
Koneko san:
"I will exhibit my origami works at Bergen PAC this June. I am so excited and happy. Hope you will visit and see my works then."

Exhibit date will be post as soon we have the exact date.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Lunch & friendship

Hi girls,
have you ever tought about our lunches?????
Once a month we try to get together and have lunch, my main reason is to see all Nihongo Kai girls.
We exchange information on every subject.
Last idea was from one member"
Have a vacation together in Thailand......
Sometimes you cannot find the person to go somewhere and this group of friends can help.
I would like to have an Italian day tour, with foods, arts and a nice cappuccino.
Since to go in Italy in one day will be difficoult we can always try NY NY
this is the starting bridge.

Maybe I can find members who would like to join me.

Until then.... spring time is getting closer....



Thursday, February 17, 2011

from Nemuko san...

This is a nice information received from Nemuko san:
Here is an amazing bit of technology that you would never see in person, and you would NEVER be alone in the room. It is ALWAYS VERY CROWDED and of course you can't see Michelangelo's artwork close up as you can here. This is especially spectacular if you have a large high-definition screen!
In the lower left, click on the plus (+) to move closer, on the minus (-) to move away. Choir is thrown in free.
This virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel is incredible. Apparently done by Villanova at the request of the Vatican .

Hope you will enjoy as I did.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Hi girls,
have you ever tought of living at a ski resort?
I feel like so in the past few weeks.
The pro :
we don't need to travel a lot to enjoy the snow
the con:
really tired of shoveling......but spring is coming close. I wait patiently with a big smile, hoping it will be over soon.
Looking at summer pictures can help.
This is now, here, you know where......


and in the next future, let say after few months:

until then.....
dear where is my shovel????????????



Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nihongo Kai

Hello girls,
this is our new Blog.
We created it just to be in touch
let's see:
if we go on vacation and we like to share our thoughts, pictures, interesting places to visit, food, art and more
or.......even if we move somewhere else.
usually we meet once a month for lunch or dinner and it is always a pleasure been together.
With a laugh or sharing our last impression on a book, movie or just talking with each others make the rest of my day happier.
Let's see, we also suppose to talk more in Japanese, for some of us it is easy
and for someone else it is not.
It is like we challenge ourself to learn more and more.
Looking forward to see you all in few days, and please add any idea to make our Blog more interesting.